Jan Tritten(USA)
1947年出生于洛杉矶,育有二女一男.文科学士,注册助产士。1986 年创办了《今日助产》杂志和网站及《分娩工具》杂志和《今日生孩子》。创办了全球助产理事会。参与筹办并负责超过65场大会。
使命: 使助产护理回到她正确的位置上去,让分娩回归家庭,让助产护理的标准在全球统一起来,重新定义助产士为产妇分娩的重要伙伴。
Born in 1947,Los Angeles, has two daughter and one son.B.A. 1986 Started Midwifery Today magazine, Birthkit, Having a Baby Today, Started the Global Midwifery Council; planned and been responsible for the programs of more than 65 conferences.
Mission: to return midwifery care to its rightful position in the family, to make midwifery care the norm throughout the world, and to redefine midwifery as a vital partnership with women.